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Hemp Oil

The healing properties of Hemp Oil discovered relatively recently, which is why its use in cosmetics is constantly increasing. Although cannabis crops are found in ancient China 20,000 years ago and later in Europe and America, the use of the plant was limited to the clothing industry and the exploitation of its seeds.

The Hemp oil (Latin name: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil), which is used in cosmetics, is different from CBD Oil and contains the psychoactive substance THC in an amount of less than 0.2%. The reason is that Hemp Oil comes from cold-pressed cannabis sativa’s seeds, while oils containing CBD and THC are extracted from Sativa and Indica cannabis leaves respectively.

hemp oil

Hemp seeds contain 25-30% oil, 25-30% protein, 30-40% fiber and 6-7% moisture. Hemp oil is known for its high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acid (70-90%) and especially Linoleic acid, which play a key role in the normal functioning and appearance of the skin, and low levels of saturated oils. In fact, it has been found to have the desired ratio of Omega 6:Omega 3 fatty acids 3:1. In addition, Hemp has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and help to fight acne, while enhancing the synthesis of collagen and lipids in the skin. It is also a non-comedogenic, ie it is very easily absorbed, so it is used in cosmetics for oily skin.

hemp Oil

Latin name: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil

Aromatic profile: Nutty odor

Part of plant used for essential oils: Seeds

Countries of origin: China, France, United States, Canada and Germany

Special chemical properties: Omegas 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids (γ-linolenic (GLA), stearadonic acid (SDA)), Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

Effects: Firming, Moisturizing, Soothing, Nourishing, Anti-inflammatory

Precautions: Recommended a patch test before using.

In our store you can find Hemp oil and add it to your products in the following collections:


Back Acne

Oily Skin

Scalp Acne


  1. The Complete Boook of Essential oils Guide – chapter 20