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Acne Care Guide

Acne is a common skin condition where the pores of the skin are blocked by hairs, sebum, bacteria or dead skin cells. This results in the formation of various types of pimples (blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, nodules, cysts) .It occurs in about 80% of people aged 11 to 30 years. It is mainly found in adolescents, but it is not uncommon to develop acne even after the age of 30. In more severe conditions, acne can penetrate deeper layers of the skin, leaving permanent scars on your skin.

The main causes of acne are genetic reasons, fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, poor diet (in some people it is associated with chocolate, dairy, sugar, etc.), high humidity and the use of oily skincare products. Especially people with oily skin should be prepared to develop acne at some point, without this meaning that people with dry skin cannot develop acne.

acne care guide

Acne treatment:

At Evexia Botanica we recommend various anti-acne products, whether it appears on the face, which is the most common area, either on the scalp or on the back. All of our acne treatment products contain the base oil Jojoba, which although it is a very oily, has been found to mimic sebum and thus "trick" the skin and regulate skin oiliness, and Hemp Oil , which is a non-comedogenic oil, that is absorbs quickly and does not leave your skin oily.

Also the essential oils we use to treat acne are Tea Tree oil, Lavender oil, Cedarwood oil and Geranium oil. These essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties that help fight bacteria that accumulate in the area. Also their antioxidant properties help in the dissolution of dead cells that block the pores of the skin.

Acne prone areas should be cleansed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If you notice that your skin is not so oily, it is better to do it once a day.

Face: Antiacne facial cleanser

Back: Antiacne shower gel

Scalp: Shampoo against scalp acne

After cleansing, use products that will leave you hydrated and nourish your skin:



Antiacne day cream

Antiacne serum

Evening / Night:

Antiacne face mask

Antiacne night cream

You can find the entire collection for fighting acne on the face here

Back: Antiacne body lotion

Scalp: Hair oil against scalp acne

 acne care guide

Avoid using scrubs and natural exfoliants, because they can irritate the area. Also do not picking or popping, because they can carry bacteria to other pores and make the condition worse. It is also recommended to wear clean clothes and to have clean sheets and pillows constantly. Also wash anything that comes in contact with your skin, such as makeup tools or even headphones.

